May 8, 2012
Let's Be Honest: New Purex Campaign!

Apr 11, 2012
Beauty Freebie: Free Eucerin Daily Protection Sample
Head on over to the Eucerin Facebook page and watch a short video then fill out a form to get your free sample of Eucerin Daily Protection Moisturizing Lotion. Your sample should arrive in 4-6 weeks. (Image credit: Eucerin)
Beauty Freebie: Free Cutex Nail Polish Remover Sample
Head over to the Cutex Facebook page to request your free sample of Cutex Advanced Revival Nail Polish remover. (Image credit: Cutex)
Mar 1, 2012
Yvonne Ryding: sunburnt lips have a new BFF
A true friend-in-need that shields and supports the skin. Based on beeswax and with Vitamin E, a nourishing, natural antioxidant. Contains lanolin, nature’s own moisturizer. Wonderful for cuticles, lips and dry areas. Free from parabens. Use on everything from split ends, chapped lips, dry elbows, broken cuticles or dry heals.
Yvonne Ryding is available at www.yvonnerydingusa.com and is sold throughout Europe. Products range from $18 - $100.
Feb 14, 2012
@ShowUsYourShoes...the real story!

Yay, I won a $25 Aldo gift card to go shoe shopping with...or so I thought. After a few weeks, I contacted @ShowUsYourShoes on Twitter to let them know that I had not received the gift card and see if it had been shipped. I received a DM (direct message) from @ShowUsYourShoes saying that it had and to wait until the end of the week and see if it arrived.
On January 17th I received another DM:

I politely let them know that I had not yet received the gift card. And on January 24th I received another DM:

Once again, I politely let them know that I still had not received the gift card. I received a response via DM the next day:

So at this point I assumed the first was lost in the mail and the sponsor of the giveaway was replacing and reshipping. I was excited and began looking at Aldo's website trying to decide which shoes I was going to purchase!
After waiting another week I contacted @ShowUsYourShoes on February 3rd via public reply instead of DM and I received a public reply as well as a "fishy" DM from them:

Why fishy? Most honest companies or sponsors have no problem being asked questions in public because they know that they are going to redeem the prize.
One February 10th I contacted @ShowUsYourShoes and asked where my gift card was. I informed them that I contacted my local post office and they told me that nothing was sent to me via certified mail. I asked them to please scan the receipt from the certified mail or give me the tracking number so I can contact the post office to try and locate it. @ShowUsYourShoes did not reply or DM...they blocked me and posted the following tweets:

I did not harass them...I politely asked for tracking information so that I could verify what was going on with the package.

So why write this post? To educate my readers that although 99% of sponsors are good, occasionally you have that one bad one. This is a clear example of that. Me? I'm bummed, I just got a job (I was unemployed for two years) so I was looking forward to getting some closed toe pumps for my new position. In all honesty, I am hoping that @ShowUsYourShows honors their giveaways and does not do the same thing that they did to me to the next winner.
To @ShowUsYourShoes, I entered your giveaway fairly. I helped you reach your goal on 350 followers and you chose me as your winner. I was really looking forward to this prize as I am a shoe lover myself. I followed your blog and Twitter account before I even knew that you had a giveaway. You know that you did not send me the gift card that I won. Please have the decency and integrity to make right what you have made wrong.
To all of my readers, be aware of this company and do not follow them on Twitter, Facebook or their blog. Yes, they host giveaways, but they do not honor them. There are plenty of other shoe lovers to follow on Twitter who are honest.
Jan 18, 2012
Eden Fantasys Loves Bloggers!
I know what you are thinking..."I cannot possibly write about sex or sex toys on my blog." Yes you can, but you don't have to. The Eden Fantasys blogger program is very open-minded. You can post about the Eden Fantasy blogger program, lingerie, how to save money when shopping at Eden Fantasys, the current promotions that Eden Fantasys is offering and really anything that you want.
How does the program work? It's quite simple, you write a post about one of the topics listed above or one of your own pertaining to Eden Fantasys, submit it, and then you receive a gift card. You can write a new post every two weeks and earn additional gift cards. The gift cards do not expire so you can save them or use them immediately, your choice. It really cannot get any easier than that.
If you would like additional information regarding the Eden Fantasys blogging program please click here and if you have any questions leave a comment below with your email address and I will email you the details. If you have shopped at Eden Fantasys, tell me what you bought or what you would like to buy.
Jan 16, 2012
Purex Crystals and Jockey Sports Bra Review & Giveaway!
Purex and Jockey have teamed up to show that you can use fabric softener on your athletic wear without damaging it. Yay! Why is this so exciting? Well, normally you should now use fabric softener on performance sportswear because the oil content prevents the wicking process.
However, the 2012 Purex Crystals do not contain oil, so it can safely be used on all clothing including:
*Athletic wear
*Children's sleepwear
*& everything else
The innovative Purex Crystals formula does not impact the sweat wicking formula so it can be used on your Jockey sports bra!
I personally love the smell of the Purex Crystals. They smell a bit strong when you add them to the wash cycle, but once dried, they smell fabulous and the scent lasts. When I washed my Jockey sports bra with Purex Crystals, it was a perfect match. The Jockey sports bra smelled fresh and clean. No sweat, no problems with the wicking process!
Jockey and Purex have generously offered to give one lucky One Haute Mommy reader a full-size bottle of Purex Crystals and a Jockey sports bra! How cool is that? Can't wait? Buy it now! You can purchase Purex Crystals at your local Wal-Mart, Target, or other grocery stores. You can purchase your own Jockey sports bra here.
Jan 13, 2012
Free $10 Vitacost.com credit, no strings attached!
I purchased banana chips, a bag of trail mix, and a box of Back to Nature peanut butter creme cookies (these are delicious) for $5.15 (shipping cost) out of pocket. The items arrived very quickly.
Why shop at Vitacost.com?
Vitacost.com is the best place for all of your health and wellness needs!
We offer:
* A huge selection of over 30,000 health & wellness products, including vitamins, minerals, herbs, botanicals, personal care products, organic foods and so much more
*Savings up to 70% off retail every day
*Free shipping on any order over $49*
*Award-winning customer service
Check it out here! Make sure you see the $10 credit on the page. The coupon code is sent within a few hours of registering.
Jan 12, 2012
Walgreens and Express Scripts split, but Walgreens is still helping their customers!
This is a Sponsored post written by me on behalf of Walgreens for SocialSpark. All opinions are 100% mine.
Express Scripts acts as a middleman between pharmacies providing the health care service and employers and health care plans that pay for the medications. Employers value having Walgreens as a pharmacy option for their employees, but Express Scripts wants to take that option away.
For the past year, Walgreens and Express Scripts have tried to negotiate their contract. On December 31st, the contract expired with no renewal. Express Scripts Inc has decided that Walgreens will no longer be in it's network, doing so has upset thousands of customers.
What does this mean for current Walgreens prescription customers?
Walgreens will still continue to offer customers their competitive pricing, discounts with generic drugs, and bigger discounts for 90 day supplies of medication, instead of three 30 day supplies.
They are also offering special savings on their Prescription Savings Club at Walgreens for the month of January. Individuals can get the savings plan for $5, and families can get the plan for only $10! This savings plan gives discounts on more then 8,000 brand name and generic prescription medications. More than 400 generic medications are available with a three-month supply for as little as $1 a week. The regular annual membership is $20 for an individual and $35 for a family so this is a huge savings!
Walgreens wants to let all it's customers know that they no longer will work with a middle man, and that they care about their communities. Walgreens is a great place to get prescriptions filled, especially in emergency situations.
They are also a great place to get your annual flu shot. Sometimes getting to the doctors office just doesn't work with your busy schedule. However, with Walgreens convenient hours, you can walk-in, get your flu-shot and get on with your day without the hassle or cost of visiting your doctors office.
To keep up on all Walgreens news, specials, and information be sure to follow Walgreens on Twitter and "like" Walgreens on Facebook
Jan 11, 2012
The truth hurts...but it's good to be honest!
I was raised my loving parents. My father was an alcoholic. After "x" amount of drinks he would become mean. In my early teenage years (13), I would defend my family when he was mean to them. This made me a target. At 13 I had bad acne…really bad acne. I saw several dermatologists and tried several different medications and treatments. I was very self-conscious due to my acne. My father and brothers would tease me about it. When my father reached his “x” amount of drinks, he would say very cruel things to me. “You’re never going to be good enough.” “No one will ever want to marry you.” “You’re ugly.” “You have pimples.” These are just a few examples of the cut-downs I grew up hearing. Needless to say, I grew up not knowing my own self-worth. I always felt like I was never going to be good enough. I spent a lot of time crying. I did not really get close to anyone, because every time I made a close friend, they would move away. Eventually my father got help and detoxed. He became a much nicer person and made amends. He did start drinking again, but was not mean like he used to be. I love him; I lived with him after he went to rehab. He cried and apologized to me and I forgave him. He passed away in 2004 due to his alcohol addiction. I miss him very much.
Although I miss him and forgave him, it is hard to forget the things that were said. My skin eventually cleared up, but the scars remain. Some are in fact acne scars and others are deep scars inside me. I grew up much faster that I was supposed to. I have been diagnosed with Generalized Anxiety Disorder and Panic Attacks which I attribute to my childhood. I have researched the disorder extensively and found that many people with the disorder had childhoods similar to mine. I finally gave it last year and started taking medication and it has helped a lot.
I recently got married to my love. We have been together for five years and have two beautiful children together. We got married in October. He has been depressed for a while now, before our marriage. He is unhappy with his job and financially stressed. I have been looking for work and have an interview this Friday, yay! His depression is beginning to take a toll on me though. I miss him, the real him and I do not know how to get him back. He constantly complains about his job, but does not actively look for a new job. When I find jobs, he says “that will not pay enough”…even though the salary is not listed. He is constantly complaining about everything and anything. Our sex life has completely deteriorated which makes me feel horrible. It’s not just about the sex, it’s affection in general. I miss it and I need it. I have tried to talk to him about it and I feel that it is always an excuse. When I was a smoker, he would say well when you quit smoking. I quit two years ago. Well when you get on birth control…I have been on birth control for three months now. I have been very supportive of him through this tough time. I have tried to find him a counselor, but he needs to call the insurance company to get a list of them (the website is not accurate) and I cannot do it for him…but he won’t. He went to his Dr. and they prescribed him anti-depressants which he took for a week and did not like the way they made him feel. He stopped taking them, but does not do the natural things that help reduce stress like exercise. It is hard being with someone who is sad all the time, especially when there is nothing that I can do about it. I understand that these things take time, but it has been going on for over six months now. We are newly-weds! I want affection and sex and to feel like I am loved…but I do not.
I am sad. I do not feel like I am attractive. I feel like there is something wrong with me. Yes, I wear pajamas a lot because I am at the house with the kids, but also because I do not have many jeans. I cannot afford to go shopping right now. I was a size 0 pre-pregnancy (I was too skinny and was always trying to gain weight). After I had my daughter (my second child) I suddenly had a butt (I do like having a butt). I am now a size 7, which I do not consider large. I am about 5 pounds heavier than what I should weigh based on my height. Yes, I need to work-out and I know it will help me feel better about myself. However, I cannot afford a gym membership right now and I do not have anyone to work out with and I need some motivation. I am still crying as I type.
I just wonder if things will ever return to “normal”. I miss feeling good about myself. I miss feeling like I actually matter to someone. I miss feeling loved. I miss affection. I miss sex. I miss my other half. Truth be told, I miss me.