Feb 16, 2011

Sharing happiness with others is easy and feels great

Sharing happiness is a great way to spread joy, but how do you do it? Well there are simple and free ways that you can share happiness each day.

Be Polite:
In these days, it is rather uncommon for people to be polite to one another. A simple way of sharing happiness with others is to simply be polite. Remember to say please, thank you, and you're welcome to others. When someone sneezes, says "Bless you". Teach your children to be polite to others, it really goes a long way.

Sharing happiness with others can be as simple as a smile. When you pass a co-worker in the hallway acknowledge them with a smile or a nice "hello". Even smiling as complete strangers on the street can make their day. I know I have had tough days and when someone smiles at me or says "hello" to me it really brings a sense of happiness to me.

We all have extra clothes and other miscellaneous items that we really do not need and that are taking space up in our homes. A great way to share happiness with others is to donate your old and unwanted items to other charities or people who can use them. This is actually a win-win situation because not only are you giving to those in need, but you are also creating a more organized and clutter free home for yourself.

A great way to share happiness it to be a good listener. Sometimes when a friend or family member calls, they just want someone to listen. Everyone needs to vent sometimes.

Telling someone you appreciate them is a great way to share and spread happiness. Everyone need and wants to feel appreciated. Next time you're significant other has a tough day at work, tell them how much your appreciate how hard they work.

Volunteering is a great way to share happiness and really helps others out. I know that not everyone has the time to volunteer, but if you do it will make you feel great knowing that you are helping a cause. You can volunteer at your local hospital, animal shelter, or food bank to name a few.

Sharing happiness is a great way to make others happy and in doing so, you will make yourself happy as well. If we each can do one nice thing for another person each day, the world would really be a much happier place. Believe it or not, happiness is contagious!

Disclosure: I wrote this blog post while participating in the SocialMoms and Hershey's blogging program, for a gift card worth $25 and some product. For more information on how you can participate, click here.

Kathleen Signature

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